
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Empowering Post-school Education

About Us

AIKYA VIDYA is empowering underprivileged children from
rural areas by providing them with post-school free education,
food and values. It is our endeavour to provide the anchor
in the lives of children. Helping them latch on to the right
purpose of their lives, understand it, and receive education
not as an unavoidable rote but as an essential foundation for
life and thus sail the currents of life admirably and responsibly.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

The purpose of education is to develop comprehensive knowledge and a well-balanced outlook on life. AIKYA VIDYA is an integrative post-school educational program designed to put together knowledge-based and value-based teaching to shape young impressionable minds to grow as all-rounded individuals of intellect holistically and support the system in creating well-balanced citizens of India.


A commitment to a strong nation by ensuring Food, Education & Values to underprivileged children.


To reach 1000 villages by the year 2030.